Daisypath Wedding Ticker

Wednesday, December 31, 2008

From Saigon with love

I'm not in the mood because for trillions time of promises my nikah dress is not ready yet. sigh. sigh. sigh. This time Mrs Tailor promises Friday evening. I am not putting any hope. Let's wait and see.

On top of that i'm experiencing mood swing. Could be PMS. My menstrual cycle is unpredictable... so i guess it will be anytime soon. Soulmate dah kena 'hentam' banyak kali because of this syndrom. and he never understands it, i did not do it on purpose. Blame the hormone. I AM SO SORRY DEAR, seriously. huuu, praying hard it won't come out on the wedding day itself. please. please. please...

Anyway, today is 1st January 2009. I have no plan for outing.. just laze at home. Then my aunt drop by. She just came back from Saigon and she bought me goodies for the wedding.

*Bags for guest on the akad nikah day... all the way from Vietnam. *

Mak Long also bought me something from Saigon. A lovely embroided telekung.

On top of that, Achik also brought along gifts for the VIPs. Her friends made them. Very nice i would say... sayang nak give away, hehhehe :p

And the best part, i have bought my own pair of wedding shoes. hehhehe... me likey! Thou it burn a hole in my pocket, tsk.. tsk... i'm truly satisfied. The hill got designs like.. erm, erm, i dunno how to explain lar. oh well, and the color matched perfectly with my skin tone... and wedding dress of course. but the pic is a bit dark.. my bad, forgot to snap it under the light :p