Daisypath Wedding Ticker

Sunday, January 18, 2009

Finally... tied the knot.

Hai all,

wahh.. hari ni baru dapat buka blog, pheww.

I am a bit late updating my blog, well better late than never la kan... Hehhee... dah jadi missus ni most of my free time will be with Soulmate, or housework.

Hmm.... housework and chores, aiyahhh.. for someone who is too lazy to wash her own cloth, I have to wash 2 sets nowadays, breakfast at office has change to breakfast at home...

Anyway, i am blissfully happy now... to my happily ever after. It has been a long journey. The blog is written as diary for my path on getting married, the good experience, the bad one or funny experiences.

Readers that are getting married themselves, Good luck! and enjoy your journey, your very own trip-to-bliss. Singletons, do enjoy being single (and not having to worried about mak andam/ fotog/ duit-duit-duit!!) and 'smug-married' (*ahemm.... kita enjoy!) hahahhaa.....

Haa.... Alhamdulillah, syukur kepadanya, we are married. I hope my marriage will forever be bless by Him, hopefully we will stay together sampai bila-bila and one day have children and granchildren... (hihihih) InsyaAllah, with all your prayers and well wishes.

I will leave this blog just as the way it is. And remove it one fine day.... But frett not, I will continure reading your blogs too.

Happy new year 2009 everyone, semoga segala azam dan cita2 untuk tahun baru nanti tercapai dan sentiasa diberkatiNya.

Thank you.

Sunday, January 4, 2009

Pendaftaran nikah, tsk.. tsk...

It's Monday and I'm on EL. Hehhehe....

Hmm... actually i'm taking EL to settle the nikah thingy. Tok Kadi called last week to inform that he cannot nikahkan I at home. Yes, he CANNOT nikahkan. How bad was that?

His reason was... I am supposed to register under Shah Alam, not Klang. So he cannot enter into other's teritory.

Ok, but the real story was, i have went to Shah Alam to do the registration. The Officer have a look at my IC then said, "Awak kena register kat Pejabat Agama Klang, bukan sini". Ok fine, so yadda yadda i settle my registration at Klang and the Klang's Officer did not question me. And so i thought settle la kan?

But last week Tok Kadi called and conveyed the bad news. I was so suprised! and thought, ini dugaan from Tuhan.

So on Friday i was busy calling-calling. Asking my ustaz of kursus kahwin, calling pejabat agama and so and so. long story cut short, this morning i managed to iron out the issue and....

So to celebrate that, i went to Bukit Raja for shopping and bought myself new pair of jeans... hiasan2 for the wedding, shoes for my sis, story books and, a laundry basket. Yelar... I'm staying with my mom after this. Takkan baju masih nak mak tolong basuh.. eheh. My new resolutions to be a good wife lar ni.

Ohh.. I am such a goody-goody.. **hikss...

A lot have been done last weekend, baju nikah dah siap, all those knick-knacks and favors dah beli dah. Tomorrow i'm still working and the day after. Then Soulmate and I will be on leave until next week's Wednesday.

Future updates, this Thursday Soulmate and I nak pergi fitting baju untuk my reception nanti and terus angkat baju tu nanti. Friday, collect cuppies, sirih junjung, fruits and go for henna. Pelamin also akan dipasang on Friday.

Saturday? Can't wait for that special day :)

Friday, January 2, 2009

Guess what?

Baju nikah dah siap. Yippie!!! Do the chicken dance :D Hohoho...